204 / 898 documents

Search results

  1. Architecture on the move! Cities and mobilities

    Bouge l’architecture ! Villes et Mobilités à Nantes

    Exhibition - IVM - 2004 - Invitation - french
  2. Taxi! > The taxi, urban mobility solution of the future

    Nuit métropolitaine : temps rêvé du taxi, temps du taxi rêvé. La nuit oubliée des taxis parisiens

    Colloquium/Forum - Yves Jouffe - 2007 - Article - french
  3. Taxi! > The taxi, urban mobility solution of the future

    Parataxi! The Potential for focused Taxi Services to satisfy new Demands for Travel

    Colloquium/Forum - James M. Cooper - 2007 - Article - english
  4. Competition > Headline on urban mobilities!

    International Journalism Competition - Headline Urban Mobilities! - Press Release

    Competition - IVM - 2003 - Press release - english
  5. Legible City > Learning the city and mobility

    Une recherche-action visant à concevoir des outils et des dispositifs de formation à la mobilité - Présentation

    IVM - 2012 - Information - french
  6. Passages, transitional spaces for the 21st-century city

    Passages, transitional spaces

    Marcel Smets - 2012 - Article - english
  7. Taxi! > The taxi, urban mobility solution of the future

    Les taxis-motos et l'insécurité urbaine dans le nord Cameroun. Le cas de la ville de Ngaoundéré

    Colloquium/Forum - Abdoulkarim Sadou - 2007 - Article - french
  8. Taxi! > The taxi, urban mobility solution of the future

    The Taxis of the Future

    Colloquium/Forum - Jean-Christophe Riat - 2007 - Slide presentation - english
  9. Competition > Headline on urban mobilities!

    Mobilités urbaines à la Une ! - Synthèse des rapports

    Competition - IVM - 2004 - Synthesis - french
  10. Taxi!

    How can taxis provide subsidized transport in small towns and rural areas?

    Lecture - Richard Darbéra - 2012 - Slide presentation - english




  • 06/25/2021
    [Event] Exhibition "Passages" in São Paulo
  • 05/05/2021
    [Replay] Rencontres François Ascher
  • 03/16/2021
    [Article] Covid-19: The new civilities within the mobility spaces
  • 01/14/2021
    [Bibliography] Reread François Ascher