161 / 898 documents

Search results

  1. Passages, transitional spaces for the 21st-century city

    Programme international Passages

    IVM - 2015 - Programme - french
  2. The street belongs to all...of us! > Is China in the process of inventing tomorrow's streets?

    La Chine est-elle en train d'inventer les rues de demain ? - Programme

    Colloquium/Forum - IVM Chine - 2008 - Programme - chinese
  3. Day-to-day employee mobility > Why should companies care about the day-to-day mobilities of staff?

    Pourquoi les entreprises doivent-elles s'intéresser aux mobilités quotidiennes des salariés ? - Programme

    Colloquium/Forum - IVM - 2007 - Programme - french
  4. The street belongs to all...of us!

    La rue est à nous...tous ! Programme à Paris

    Exhibition - IVM - 2007 - Programme - french
  5. Mobilities for integration! > Escape through movement - Innovations, analyses

    Pouvoir bouger pour s’en sortir - Des innovations, des analyses - Programme

    Colloquium/Forum - IVM - 2005 - Programme - french
  6. Legible City > Learning the city and mobility

    La création numérique à l’épreuve du citadin- Programme prévisionnel

    Seminar - IVM - 2013 - Programme - french
  7. Climate change, urban mobilities and Cleantech > Will IT save planet USA?

    Les technologies de l'information sauveront-elles la planète USA ? - Programme de la séance 4

    Public hearing - IVM - 2009 - Programme - french
  8. Climate change, urban mobilities and Cleantech > Climate change and mobility in the US: who makes the law?

    Changement climatique et mobilité aux USA : qui fait la loi ? - Programme de la séance 7

    Public hearing - IVM - 2010 - Programme - french
  9. University Chair > Accessibility in metropolitan spaces

    L'accessibilité dans les espaces métropolitains - Programme

    Lecture - IVM Chine - 2006 - Programme - french




  • 06/25/2021
    [Event] Exhibition "Passages" in São Paulo
  • 05/05/2021
    [Replay] Rencontres François Ascher
  • 03/16/2021
    [Article] Covid-19: The new civilities within the mobility spaces
  • 01/14/2021
    [Bibliography] Reread François Ascher