510 / 898 documents

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  1. Competition > Things are moving in the outskirts!

    Mobil’ mallette. Malette pédagogique sur la mobilité

    Competition - Aude Perez - 2011 - - french
  2. The Making of Movement > What drives public action on urban mobility issues? The making of movement in global megacities

    Pay to drive on public roads? No thanks - Social unacceptability of urban road pricing: Manchester, the toll and the democracy

    Lecture - Laurent Fouillé - 2012 - Slide presentation - english
  3. Interview de François Ascher

    IVM - 2001 - Interview - french
  4. Mobilities for integration!

    Je bouge donc je suis

    Jean-Philippe Pons-Malarte - 2012 - Film - french
  5. City at home - Mobilities and services

    La ville à domicile - Mobilités et services - Programme du 1er séminaire

    Colloquium/Forum - IVM - 2009 - Programme - french
  6. Climate change, urban mobilities and Cleantech > Will IT save planet USA?

    Information Technology, Transportation and Climate Change (séance 4)

    Public hearing - Jean-David Margulici - 2009 - Slide presentation - english
  7. University Chair > Making the city with flows? Managing the spaces of interchange and architecture of mobility

    New concepts in the global planning and road corridors: reclaiming extraterritorial space

    Colloquium/Forum - Henrik Sander - 2004 - Slide presentation - english
  8. University Chair > Buying or renting consumer goods? A societal question. Challenges for the city on the move

    Panel Parc-auto : Qui partage, qui loue ?

    Colloquium/Forum - Francis Papon - 2006 - Slide presentation - french
  9. Mobilities for integration! > Escape through movement - Innovations, analyses

    Le diagnostic des empêchements de mobilité

    Colloquium/Forum - Mélanie Gachelin - 2005 - Slide presentation - french
  10. Day-to-day employee mobility > Why should companies care about the day-to-day mobilities of staff?

    Mobilités quotidiennes des salariés - Présentation

    Colloquium/Forum - IVM - 2007 - Brochure - french




  • 06/25/2021
    [Event] Exhibition "Passages" in São Paulo
  • 05/05/2021
    [Replay] Rencontres François Ascher
  • 03/16/2021
    [Article] Covid-19: The new civilities within the mobility spaces
  • 01/14/2021
    [Bibliography] Reread François Ascher