898 / 898 documents

Search results

  1. IVM as project > Scientific and Steering Committee

    Biographie de Marcel Smets

    Presentation - IVM - 2010 - Biography - french
  2. IVM as project > Scientific and Steering Committee

    Biographie de François Ascher (1946-2009)

    Presentation - IVM - 2009 - Biography - french
  3. IVM as project

    Hasta mañana !

    Presentation - IVM Amérique latine - 2010 - Brochure - spanish
  4. IVM as project > Scientific and Steering Committee

    Biographie de Jean-Pierre Orfeuil

    Presentation - IVM - 2010 - Biography - french
  5. IVM as project

    Até Amanhã !

    Presentation - IVM Amérique latine - 2010 - Brochure - portuguese
  6. IVM as project

    A demain !

    Presentation - IVM - 2010 - Brochure - french
  7. IVM as project > Scientific and Steering Committee

    Carta de calidad y reglamento

    Presentation - François Ascher - 2001 - Settlement - spanish
  8. IVM as project > Scientific and Steering Committee

    Quality charter and bylaws

    François Ascher - 2001 - Settlement - english
  9. IVM as project

    Charte de qualité et règlement intérieur

    Presentation - François Ascher - 2001 - Settlement - french
  10. Mobilities for integration! > Integration Programme

    Rencontre territoriale du Grenelle de l’insertion - Programme

    Lecture - IVM - 2008 - Programme - french




  • 06/25/2021
    [Event] Exhibition "Passages" in São Paulo
  • 05/05/2021
    [Replay] Rencontres François Ascher
  • 03/16/2021
    [Article] Covid-19: The new civilities within the mobility spaces
  • 01/14/2021
    [Bibliography] Reread François Ascher